Thursday, April 10, 2008

Love vs Lust

I have been reminded again by God of my natural tendancy to live a life motivated by lust instead of love. Now for some the very mention of the word lust would suggest a 'sexual context' - so for the purposes of clarity let me offer a definition of both words.

Love - is for the benefit of others
- desires to give
- even at the expense of self

Lust - is for the benefit of self
- desires to get
- even at the expense of others

So often when I reflect at the end of the day on my thoughts, actions, words and reactions, they are sadly leaning towards a lustful motivation. When I reflect on the thoughts, actions, words and reactions of Christ, his was a love orientated lifestyle.

So I repent of my lust and seek to pursue a life of for God, for others and for myself.

As I'm trying to intentionally think each day about issues of justice I am struck by how the various issues of justice that are impacting our world are motivated out of 'lust' rather than love....

(just to name a few)

human trafficking
chocolate slaves
marginalisation of the poor
domestic violence

All of those contributing to the injustice are desiring to get at the expense of others. But I wonder how many of us respond to injustice from a lustful motivation? How long has it taken me to think differently about these matters because it was about me, me, me and what was in it for me, or what impact it would have on my life, and my circumstances

eek! How wrong was I!!

So today I choose to live a live of love......kicking lust to the curb and saying hasta la vista baby!


a recovering pharisee

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