Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hiding behind our words

I have been reading a number of blogs over recent months and I see a trend that disturbs me. Perhaps I'm not tough enough for the reality of blogging and I just need to 'harden up'. I have seen time and time again someone blog, and then in the comments people rip them to shreds, or get very personal in their attack of the person rather than stay on topic. More often than not all of this is done under the name anonoymous. I get it that not everyone will agree, and I'm not naive enough to think that people will only every say nice stuff. But I struggle to appreciate the words of those who hide behind "no name"....

I mean would they seriously speak to these people with those words face to face? Would you be so rude, or cutting or snarky if you actually saw the other person's response to your words?

I get frustrated with argument for argument sake, or protest for protest sake. If your goal is transformation or change, then by all means enter into meaningful dialogue and action. But if all you want is a cheap shot at someone else's expense, or to throw out comments without being willing to discuss then what is the value in that? There is enough of that going on in the world to plug the ozone hole! perhaps that's what's caused it in the first place...all this hot air!

I don't mean to rant, I am typing this while trying to smile.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


For so many people the events in the state of Victoria, Australia over the last few days has forever altered the landscape of their lives. As I write this the latest report is of 166 people having lost their lives to the flames. My mind and heart are feeling overwhelmed as I try and comprehend the enormity of what has taken place...and I'm not even an Australian. For those who are personally affected by this disaster I wonder how they will find a way to carry on, to rebuild, to restore, to start over when so much has been lost. There is a collective tragedy here for the nation, but then there are the individual stories of loss, of escape, of luck, of misfortune, of moments of heroism and selflessness and I think it is in these stories that we see humanity at its most vulnerable and at its best. When facing moments like these or living through the aftermath people aren't mourning the loss of an ipod, or $300 shoes, or playstations....they mourn the loss of life, of loved ones, of items not for the items material value, but what it represents, or who it represents.
My eyes and my heart well up as I read and watch these stories, and it fills me with hope. A hope that shows me that humanity is not beyond redemption. People have the capacity to love and to give of themselves to others and to both feel pain and comfort those who mourn.
So many people are feeling a great sense of helplessness as they watch what is happening and have a compulsion to want to help somehow. The Salvation Army in Australia (along with the red cross and others) are out there on the ground working in support of victims and volunteers. They are asking those who want to help to donate cash at this stage. It gives them the ability to buy the essential items like food and clothes etc that are needed right now.
This is one of the worst bushfires world wide on record...... but I think for Australia it is becoming a moment of solidarity and compassion and as a nation they are banding together to care and serve each other.
Pray for rain, for relief and for restoration

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

women and the mission of God

I've started doing some reading for my papers at University this semester. The first is entitled Women in biblical text and the second is the missional church. Both topics have captured my attention over recent years and I'm really looking forward to engaging in some dialogue about them. The first thing I've had to do is put aside any preconceived notions about the topics and those who spend their time researching and publishing about them. I have never really considered myself a feminist (I didn't like the idea of growing my hair & armpit hair and sticking it to the man every chance I got) - can you see what I mean about preconceived notions. My mate Jules helped me to understand that being a feminist is not about being 'anti men' or 'antagonistic' but its being concerned with issues of gender and gender equality. Well that I definitely am, and always have been. I have much to learn and the good thing is I am open to it. I think one of the best attributes anyone can possess is a teachable spirit.

The missional church one is a fascinating topic too. There is much debate around these days to do with the structure, purpose and effectiveness of the church. There are lots of schools of thought and some who would rather debate for debate sake, than debate for change sake. I'm interested in the paper because I want to be a part of seeing the body of Christ be effective in its pursuit of the Kingdom of God and fulfilling God's purpose for us. I will endeavour to blog regularly over the coming months as I learn new things about women in biblical text and the missional church. Any resources that you might know of that would be helpful would be greatly appreciated.