Sunday, November 26, 2006

there's a consipracy brewing in the sultanas!

So, I had this 'great' idea for youth group the other nite. A play on the old car rally, scavenger hunt thing. It was quite simple really. Each car had clues and at each location they had to find information and text it to the cellphone number on the clue. If they were correct they would get a text back with a word that once they were all put together, would lead them to the final destination. The clues didnt always have the same cellphone number on it, so they had to actually pay attention to the clues. The first location was one of our local supermarkets...its big, its yellow, you pack your own groceries....I anticipated this would take them about 5mins...1/2 later they are all still there trying to get the right answer. All they had to do was tell me how much it would cost them to purchase 5 particular items. I bought them that morning and had a till receipt in case anyone tried to dispute it. In the end I text them the amount of each individual item and they had to add them up (which a couple of teams still struggled with). Anyway the nite was a TOTAL DISASTER in one respect. Not one team finished. Two teams thought they'd be smart and after a few clues headed to where they thought the finish was (and they were right) However, because the lights were off and they couldnt see my car (because I hid it round the corner in a side street) they didnt even bother to get out of the car!!!! The other cellphone was one bought from that big red shop that has that annoying jingle...and well it just didnt cope with the volume of texts so it wouldnt send answers back to the teams! In another way though the nite was a TOTAL BLAST they all had so much fun driving around the city and plotting their revenge against the organiser (that's me).

Now you're probably asking by now, if you're still reading, what has this got to do with Sultana's? Let me take you back to that big yellow shop and fill you in. See if you can follow me...

Thurs 8:30 am - I purchase 500g budget sultanas for $3:29 ( i have the receipt to prove it)
Thurs 7:30 pm - Teams are claiming the sultanas are $3:25 (label on the shelf)

After the race was over I had to see it for myself. Sure enough on the shelf they are advertised at $3:25...BUT when I took them to the checkout and asked them to scan they came up at $3:29. Now you might think ok 4c isnt much.....BUT if the sultana's were the only thing I was buying it becomes an issue of 10c.

At $3:25 they must round it down to $3:20 because we no longer have 5c pieces. At $3:29 they round it up to $3:30 ....see where the 10c is?

I started to wonder just how many items in the store are sporting a shelf price that differs from a checkout price? Then I began to wonder is this how they are trying to make up for the 4c petrol promotion that they are now offering? Hmmmm

The funny thing is that on thursday morning I purchased well in excess of 60 items and how funny that out of all those items, I picked one that had a problem and mucked up my race.

So you can bet that I'll be watching those sultana prices much closer in the future :)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

happy birthday to me

On sunday I celebrated my 32nd birthday. It was lovely :)
I'd spent 4 days of that week at a women officers retreat at Waipiata (a place in the middle of nowhere near Ranfurly). It was a fantastic time and also really challenging.
We had surprise party for me. The surprise was only that the woman organising the week didnt know we were planning it. We played charades (one of my all time favourite games) and teeth (another great game). We ended with Ice cream cake - something I've always wanted but never had. It was delicious and a great way to soothe the lips after a ferocious game of teeth!
Sunday was a great day too. Pancake breakfast as a fundraiser for Fiji, church and then the arrival of my mum from Chch. We headed out to Fillies (awesome pizza place) before heading to the ballet "Giselle". It was beautiful. A lovely traditional ballet. It was cool dressing up and heading out.
So Ive now been 32 for two days now. How's it been? Well, actually, pretty sucky! I've been sick and so havent been able to do too much really. I'm ignoring the comments of those who have suggested that its old age catching up with me....come on now, 32 aint that old....unless you're a 5 year old!
So Im hoping that the next 363 days will be much better than the last two.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm FINE!.....really!

I was in Alexandra at the weekend and went for a drive to St Bathan's on saturday to take a few photos. On my way back I found this little guy lying on the side of the road. His arms were visible from ages away down the road. I got his better side (the other side showed what Possums are really made of...if you know what I mean).
He looked so cute lying there, rather relaxed, apart from the fact that he was dead.
He reminded me of how sometimes when life is actually pretty hard, we tell ourselves we are fine. People ask us and our response....IM FINE! even when it's painfully obvious that the only person we are kidding is ourselves. I've been listening to a song in recent days called "he knows my name" some of the words are ...."He knows my name, he knows my every thought, he sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call."
Its a great reminder that in the midst of life at its worst, Jesus knows, When stuff happens that causes us pain, Jesus knows, when we can't seem to pick ourselves up off the ground, Jesus knows.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

finishing the race

The Olympic Games in Mexico City, 1968, were filled with the ususal incredible performances. Swimmer Mark Spitz captured 7 gold medals, and world records fell like autumn leaves on a winde October day. But as is often the case, one human drama exemplified the true meaning of sport, often lost in today's feeding frenzy for endorsements and movie contracts.
Out of the cold darkness he came. John Stephen Akwari of Tanzania entered at the far end of the stadium, pain hobbling every step, his leg bloody and bandaged. The winner of the Olympic marathon had been declared over an hour earlier. Only a few spectators remained, but the lone runner pressed on. As he crossed the finish line, the small crowd roared out its appreciation, "Yea" Afterward, a reporter asked the runner why he had not retired from the race, since he had no chance of winning. He seemed confused by the question. Finally he answered, "my country did not send me to Mexico City to start the race. They sent me to finish."

I love that story, it encourages and challenges me. Anyone can start a race, but it takes determination to finish. I want to finish the race.....

(taken from "Building a church of small groups" by Bill Donahue and Russ Robinson)

Monday, October 23, 2006

wonder woman

Wonder Woman......
I've been taking a little trip down memory lane this morning as I tried to keep my focus on my exam prep. I'm one of these people who struggle to study in silence, being much more productive while studying with a dvd on or tv programme or something in the background.

So this mornings choice was Season 1 of Wonder Woman. I don't remember seeing the pilot episode when I was a kid so it was great to watch it and understand where she came from and how she came to be 'wonder woman'.

It's funny to see the almost comical acting and the funny sound effects etc. Even though it has that little element of cringe about it, I still love it. With her belt that keeps her strong, her bulletproof bracelets and her truth telling whip who can doubt her ability to fight crime and seek to right the wrongs.
It reminded me of yesterday's message at church and a book I'd been reading recently.
Scripture talks of the need to clothe ourselves with spiritual clothing, the sword of the spirit, the shoes of the gospel, the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness. And yesterday at church we were reminded about the need to clothe ourselves in love. Without these things we become weak, ineffective and hollow. Just like wonder woman loses her ability to be effective as a superhero if she takes off her belt and bracelets, we become ineffective as Jesus followers if we take off these clothes.
A great reminder for me as the pressures of life feel quite high right now. I need to clothe myself daily.
So its back to writing my essays, watching wonder woman reruns and wearing clothing that is fit for a king.

Friday, October 20, 2006

nga mea katoa - everything

My mind has felt like mush over this last week. But through the mush God is there. This morning I decided to come into work early and crank up the sounds while no one else was around. I've got this fantastic cd entitled "nga mea katoa" from Invasion music. There are some great songs in Maori and one in particular is really making my heart go..."yeah, that's what I want, that's where Im at"

Whakanuitia te Ariki
Ahakoa te aha
Ko Koe tonu ra e Ihu
Te timata Oku whakapono
Whakamoemiti kia whai
To ingoa

Tuku a nga mea katoa
ka koropiko ki a koe
toku kingi nui
nou toku whatu manawa
ka whai kororia kia koe
i nga wa katoa

whakanuitia te Ariki
Whakahonoretia Tou Ingoa
Kuhu mai e te Wairua Tapu
Whakamahi ahau e te Ariki
Whaka Kororia
Tou Ingoa Tapu

which basically translates "I will bless the Lord at all times, no matter what may come my way, always looking unto Jesus, the author of my faith,as my heart is filled with praises, I will glorify your name. Lord I give you everything, and worship you, my one and only king, you are worthy of all praises, lord I give you my heart and soul, in everything I do in you I know, you will be glorified. I will bless the Lord at all times, and give honour to your name, all I have I will surrender, Holy Spirit have your way, Take this vessel Lord and use me, to bring glory to Your name."

That is my hearts cry...that in everything I would bring glory to his name....that I can be a vessel used by God.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

goodbye, hello

Well what a week since my last post. As I write this blog I am awaiting the email copy of 'farewell orders' (the list of changes of appointment for officers within NZ, Fiji and Tonga) My name will be on that list and having not received the usual phone call the night before confirming the change, I have a more than usual vested interest in seeing the document. This last week has been a shocker...having been aware of a possible move for at least 6 weeks only to be told on Wed that it has changed...see previous post for card that arrived the morning I got told!

Anyway then off to Wellington the next day for the "New Zeal" conference. What an AWESOME weekend. God was incredibly gracious and really met my need to hear from him.

So...its now past 10 am and I can tell you that I am now appointed as the corps officer of the Grandview corps in Hamilton.

Its been a really rough ride over this last week, but God made his presence felt in my life!

I have to go...I have 2 exams to study for and not a lot of time to do so, I will procrastinate no longer

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

timing is everything

I arrived at work today to discover a card, sent to me by a lady whose friendship I have really appreciated over the last few years. Her encouragement and kindness, her smiles and hugs. As I read the card this morning I appreciated the thoughts contained within and I wanted to share them

they are taken from a book written by Fraces J Roberts

"I am the Lord thy God
I know no limitations
I know no lack
I need not reserve my stores, for I always have a fresh supply
Thou canst by no means ever exhaust my resources.
Let thy heart run wild
Let thine imagination go vagabond.
No extravagance of human thought can ever plumb the depths of my
planning and provision for my children.

Rejoice, therefore and face each day with joy, for I have planned
ahead for thee, and made all the necessary arrangements and reservations.
I am thy guide and benefactor

It wasnt until this afternoon that I fully understood the timing of her gesture. This afternoon I have found myself going back into my bag and pulling out the card and re-reading these words again and again. God knew that I would need these words today, so 2 days ago he prompted my friend to send me this.

I'm reminded again how a simple prompting from the Lord can be so powerful for those who receive.

No doubt I'll look at this card a few more times before the day is out.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm still alive....

Its been ages I know and as an excuse I can only claim the busyness of the end of semester at university. We've had classes and assessments crammed up as two of my lecturers had to go overseas. I'm trudging my way through my final essay for the year, a 3000 word essay about the influence of Hone Tuhawaiki on the treaty of waitangi. Its due tomorrow and my word count is currently sitting on about 400 words so I really have to pull finger.

Its hard to believe we are almost through October...only a few more weeks of being 31! Im really looking forward to the weekend ahead. The Salvation Army is holding a conference in Wellington called "New Zeal". The guests include Commissioner Linda Bond, Pete Greig (author of red moon rising) and others. Ive been on the planning team so its been a long but exciting journey getting to this point. I'm really looking forward the weekend and hearing what God has to say to us as a movement and me as his child.

Anyway I must sign off and get back to that essay...I really must finish it!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

its a boy!

My family just got bigger. My friends Jennie & Andrew just welcomed Mitchell into the family today. He's a few weeks early, but no ones complaining. It gives Andrew more time with him before heading to police college for training. Im so blessed in that I am heading to Wellington in a months time for the weekend so I'll get to see him while he's still a little baby. While I dont have the pleasure of being a biological aunty to my brothers kids (as neither of them have any) I have the awesome gift of children through my friends children. They give me so much pleasure and I love hearing them call me aunty shar. So Mitchell is very welcome into my life and I have been preparing for his arrival since he was first known about. I have a great collection of nappies that need to somehow make their way north. Well I have no pics at this stage but as soon as I do he'll be in a frame and on my wall.

Monday, September 11, 2006

the technological age

So ive been thinking, since last week actually, so I decided it was time to think out loud (although I guess unless you are actually reading this out loud, then its not really out loud now is it....)

Last week we had a bit of a problem with telecom (our telecommunications company) because some workmen accidently dug into a fibre optic cable with their digger (accidential unless they were secretly employed by Telecoms opposition). Anyway it meant that our email was out, our cellphones werent working, no eftpos and no money machines were working.

It also happened to be on the day that I was waiting for an urgent email about flights we were trying to book for members of our youth group to get to Fiji. It struck me how weird it was that so much of my work day was interrrupted by this incident. As my work mates and I were reflecting it was hard to remember life before cellohones and internet. Even stranger was the fact that when I worked it out, it was only the year 1998 that I had my first cellphone and i didnt really get introduced to the internet and email until 2000. Thats only 6 years...what about the 20 something years before that? Has my life changed that much in such a short space of time that I now feel a little lost without that technology being available and at my disposal when and where I want it?

As I endeavour to try and simplify my life and declutter it, I find myself having to consistantly assess my desire for technology. Sure that phone has lots of cool gadgets and can do all sorts of cool things, but do i need it when I have a perfectly good phone already for making calls and sending texts. Sure it would be awesome to be able to buy the latest gadget or piece of technology but can my resourses be better used in other places, to benefit other people instead of satisfying my desire (for the moment anyway).

Im not saying that technology is all bad, I mean, i wouldnt be able to blog without it..but I wonder at how reliant I have become on it...and whether in the rush to introduce more and more technology into my life, other, simpler things are being pushed aside.

Friday, September 08, 2006

oh to be australian right now

No sooner had I published my previous post then I hear the news that a second well known australian has been killed. Peter Brock - racing car driver has been killed in a race. Australia will be experiencing a strange kind of grief this week.

a crazy week

There has been so much happen this week, personally, professionally and in the world around me. I've had a couple of conversations with friends this week that have really challenged me and caused me to pause and reflect. I've had dealings with people through work that have frustrated me, encouraged me, and pointed me back towards the God that i seek to know better. Then this week there have been those events that have shocked - the death of Steve Irwin, crocodile hunter - its been interesting how that event has polarised peoples opinions of him. Regardless of what people think of him, its still a tragic loss and the circumstances around his death make it even more tragic. Closer to home the death of two men in the Hawkes bay. The first guy was struck by truck of the second and as he got out of his truck to try and free the man trapped under his vehicle, he too was hit and killed. Both men's lives so tragically taken, in circumstances that seem so crazy. As Ive been thinking about it all today though, I cant help but think of those who die alone, with no one aware they have even gone. I heard a story of a local man who was dead 6 weeks before anyone came looking for him. How unbelieveable, and yet how real is this. The release of research about the hundreds of Men across our nation who live alone is food for thought. One can feel overwhelmed at times by all that seems to be going on. How do we begin to make a difference, to see transformation take place in any area? I come back again to the title of my blog "one matters for eternity". Sometimes the thousands, the hundreds, even the dozens can seem too much....but how about the ones. The neighbour across the driveway who is desperately lonely and goes to bed every night hoping that someone might notice if they didnt wake up in the morning. The child attending the school down the road who wishes that there was someone who would make the time to watch them play sport on saturday mornings. The student who feels the expectation of family (and sometimes country) to make something of themselves and begins to measure their worth and value as a person by the grades they achieve.

I can't comprehend the thousands, but I can commit to the ones.....because one matters.

Monday, September 04, 2006

its a matter of perspective

Well its been a great couple of weeks. it started with the sole officer symposium in Upper Hutt. a gathering of people from NZ and Australia who are for whatever reason, serving God as officers on their own. The company was fab, the teaching inspiring the highlight having said all of that, had to be singstar and the dance funny. Such a pleasure hanging with the girls. I then headed to New Plymouth for a weeks holiday. I had been looking forward to it for months and had been watching the weather reports. They were looking very promising. Well it turned out that Dunedin and New Plymouth did an exchange and while Dunedin suddenly had beautiful weather, NP wasnt quite so flash. There is a mountain in the Taranaki, although many visitors would be unsure if it was just a rumour because it often cant be seen. I got a great view of the mountain.....the day I was leaving, on the bus, on my way out of town. I came straight home and headed to camp for the weekend. Another great time. Ive had some things running around in my head over this last week. At times Ive had my questions about if Im hearing from God properly and moments when ive wondered what God is trying to show me...even at times Ive uttered the words 'where is God in the midst of this'. I was reminded today about perspective. Even though sometimes you cant see Mt Taranaki, and a visitor might even wonder if it actually exist, it doesnt change the fact that it is there. on the ground under the clouds you ask 'where is the mountain' but get in a plane and fly above the clouds and you see the mountain in all its glory. Sometimes the clouds of life settle and I look from where I am and struggle to see God, or see the purpose in something, just because clouds are covering my view, doesnt mean that God is not there. Its just a matter of perspective. So Im heading into a new week trying to look for a different persepective. Trying to place my hope in God alone and that he is my strength and my salvation.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday has arrived!

Tena koe. I haere au ki te whare wananga o Otago ki te ako i te reo Maori, a, ka haere au ki toku kainga inaianei. Ka tino pai te noho, kai atu, tangata atu, ako atu. Ka korero au i te reo maori, engari, kaore oku 'flatmates' e mohio toku korero!

I made it through the language weekend. It was so good, the food, the people, the learning. I had a really good time. There were some bits that were really hard for me, but I was able to cope with it, even if I didnt always understand what was going on.

It was funny though, as I lay in bed last night trying to sleep, there were thoughts running around and around in my head...and they were all in Maori! How cool is that. Just goes to show that what we immerse ourselves in gets inside us aye. Food for thought for me in terms of my hikoi (walk) with Jesus. How much do I immerse myself in him? Is he running through my head at night time or is it the latest episode of Prison Break? Am I immersing myself in scripture and does it flow out of me. Am I fluent in scripture or do I struggle to understand?

Some say practice makes perfect, but a wise man told me the truth...practice makes I want to make sure I'm practising the right things, so they get cemented in my life. I want the things of Christ to run around in my head and in my heart and that they would be what people hear and see when they meet me.

A final greeting from Ephesians 1:2

"Kia tau ki a koutou te aroha noa me te rangimarie, he mea na te Atua, na to tatou Matua, na te Ariki hoki, na Ihu Karaiti."

Friday, August 18, 2006

freaky friday

So today is one of those Fridays I both loathe and look forward to. I'm heading to uni tonight for a 'wananga' (we stay overnight and do lectures and other stuff). Its for my language paper. I really love the context of them, and the fun and laughter of these weekends, however since its the language one there is NO english allowed! My Māori is not at the level of being able to converse freely with others and so my levels of anxiety are always higher than normal. It will be great for me though, cos the immersion environment is the best way to learn languages and unfortunately there is no country in the world where you can be emmersed in Māori in everyday situations. So the countdown is on until I head in, 2 hours and counting down. My previous experiences with the language wananga have given me a new appreciation of people who move to a country where they dont know any of the language and throw themselves right in at the deep end.
Im all for New Zealand being a bilingual can be done. Seychelles has 3 national languages and people grow up learning and speaking all three. I wish more New Zealanders understood the importance of language to the survival of any culture.
So tonight I continue my learning.....I'll let you know how I go.

Ka kite ano

Saturday, August 05, 2006

the art of forgiveness

so its Saturday morning, Im procrastinating...i have an essay to write on the treaty of waitangi, so instead I'm in bed, electric blanket on and laptop perched somewhat unstabily on my knees. I've been reflecting on last night. I had the privilege of speaking at recovery church on the topic of forgiving others. The opening question to us all last night was'what is the hardest thing about forgiveness' My response was 'trying to explain or define it'. Its not a one size fits all, some situations forgiveness is easy to understand or apply, then along comes something else that forgiveness just doesnt seem so simple anymore.

I used a clip from 'red dust' a film that is based around the truth and reconciliation commission that went through south africa, where those who had committed crimes could apply for amnesty if they gave full disclosure of the crimes they committed. At the end there is a series of scenes where the concept of forgiveness is addressed. One man both grants and receives forgiveness and it is a thought provoking watch. I loved one of the final lines of the movie where the character Alex (who was the 'victim' in the trial) says to his lawyer (who as a 16 yr old was imprisoned for dating a black man, and the conseqences were a severing of her relationship with her mum) "we have the right to say that it hurt".

Often people struggle with forgiveness because how to they reconcile the pain they are experiencing. does forgiving make our pain null and void? I dont think so, but its about being able to move through that pain to a place where we are not held captive by it.

I encourage you to watch red dust sometime. It is food for thought on forgiveness and closure.

And now I will encourage myself to get out of bed, and get on with my essay.

Friday, July 28, 2006

te wiki o te reo Maori

Tena koe e hoa,

Kei te pehea koe? Ko te wiki o te reo Maori i tenei wiki. Ka haere au ki te whare wananga o Otago ki te ako i te reo Maori.

Hey there, if you hadn't caught up on the news, its Maori Language Week in NZ this week and theres some great events happening around the country. Check out your local council website for more details. This years theme is sport, which is cool. I just wish it had been 2 months ago when my korero (speech) for uni assessment had been was all about sport!
I'm learning the language and the hardest part for me is taking it outside the classroom and practising it. That's one of the tragedies contained within the story of Aotearoa, NZ.... the almost extinction of the language. Maori has been clawing its way back though and is now getting stronger and stronger all the time. One of my classmates is also taking Chinese, and during the christmas break went to China to be emmersed in the language and culture for about 6 weeks. We were lamenting the fact that there is no country where you can go and be emmersed in Maori, so we have to work extra hard to make sure the language not only survives, but prospers. Without language we have no voice....when a culture is an oral culture the language becomes even more critical. There are heaps of great resources out there for people wanting to learn te reo and free classess all over the place. I'll leave you with a couple of phrases I've found very helpful....

Engari mo tena = I don't think so.

Kaua e korero pena = don't talk like that.

Arohamai = I'm sorry

Have a great week, korero Maori whenever you can, even if its just a 'kia ora' (hello).

ka kite ano,

Na Shar

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I'm taking Maor108 Waiata-te timatanga (an introduction to Maori waiata) this semester at uni. I've just come home from our second practical class where we are learning the songs which we will perform in a concert in September. I'm loving the paper. I love the singing, the actions and the stories behind the songs. The performance of these waiata is not jst standing up and singin the tune. Its about giving everything of yourself into the songs, feeling them and expressing that emotion in your voice, your face and body. Its a challenge for me but I'm loving it....will keep you posted on my progress.

Monday, July 10, 2006


Well its Monday again....and the start of the new semester at uni. I'm really quite excited by the new papers Im doing this semester. I have a Maori performing arts paper which includes a concert at the end of semester, and an introduction to the treaty of waitangi. I'm a little less excited about my language paper, but that's probably due to the fact I'm really struggling with it...It will be a miracle if I pass (which is a really weird place to be in as I dont usually find myself in that sort of position). Its a good place for me in that I cant just cruise and need to apply myself. The struggle I have with the language paper is that I can't practise what I learn and because I learn by becomes so much harder. Anyway, I'm going into this monday with a positive outlook and a commitment to myself to pull finger and make it through. I dont want to miss out on the pass by a silly 1 or 2 %.
It's also got me thinking about the time and effort I put into my understanding of scripture and biblical things. There is no grade or essay to that less of a motivation then? At times, it would seem my life is geared around the things I MUST do, rather than what is of greatest benefit to me.
So I head into this new week with a commitment to learning, studying and making application in all areas of my life....roll on next monday :)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

noise vs silence

Over the last couple of days I've been thinking about the place that noise and silence both have in my life. I must confess that one is given far more attention than the other. I've always considered noise my kind of silence. Some need silence to concentrate, I need noise...or so I thought. I watched the Nooma dvd 'noise' and it's got me thinking some more. I know the verse well where God wasnt in the earthquake or the wind but in the whisper (or as some scholars would suggest, the silence) but have struggled to make application for myself because of the need for I'm going to go on a bit of a journey over the next wee while to explore the silence and see what or who I can find in it.

the contents of a month

It would seem that me and blogging are getting off to a rocky start. Many times over the last month I've been somewhere and thought..."i should write about this in my blog" only to be nowhere near a computer at the time, and no time to blog when I am. This last month has been full of drama, challenge, stress, relaxation and so much more thrown in for good measure. My flatmate was involved in a car crash which saw her end up in Greymouth hospital and needing 2 operations, I made an unscheduled trip to the west coast to be with her, hung out in the hospital for 2 days (one of my least favourite places to be alongside the dentist) and made a rather scary but spectacular trip over Arthurs pass in the snow to get back to Christchurch in time to celebrate my Nana's 80th birthday.All of this taking place the day after I sat my exam for university.
I got my marks back this week and was totally stoked with my results. Its funny the goals you set yourself. I had never ever planned on going to University as I didnt really understand how it worked or if I would even have the brains to do it. So in my first year I thought it'd be cool to try for one A+ in my career as a part time uni student. After 3 years of trying and missing out by 1%,0.6% and 0.4% in past papers, I finally got my a+ with a 95% pass on one of my 300 level papers. So one would think after having finally achieved this long awaited goal, I'd be satisfied right? I am, and yet it has also shown me that its not about getting the grade on the piece of paper cos as we all know C's get degrees....its about the learning process and the change that takes place through that process that really counts. That's the lesson I'm trying to learn.
If I can continue to be open to learning, both academically based and that based on everyday life, then I will see change, in myself and in the world around me....hmmmm.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

march of the penguins

Ok, so I know this movie has been around for ages, but I finally went and saw it at the theatre before it disappeared and I had to wait for the dvd (which by the way, they have no idea when it will be released in NZ).

What an absolutely beautiful movie. I was kinda glad I went on my own as I was able to fold up the arm rests, stretch myself out across a few seats and enjoy the movie on my very own 'couch'. I must confess I shed a few tears throughout the movie, but I'm ok with that.

There are so many beautiful moments in the movie that speak volumes about life, community, love, family, reality and perseverence. Like most movies any illustrations we might attach to real life are limited. While it speaks of love and the creating of life, the female penguins who dont manage to catch themselves a fella, head straight back to the ocean, they are excluded from the rest of the process. Likewise, those penguins whose eggs die, simply part company and return to the water. I wouldnt suggest this is a good model for the building of community.

There is a scene in the movie when the males are looking after the eggs (balancing them on their feet I might add) and the storms come. They all huddle together, 100's of penguins and form one big mass. The combined mass helps them to keep warm, and they take turns being in the middle of the mass, and being on the edge....a beautiful scene.

Anyway I could rabbit on but can I instead simply it and see for yourself the incredible story of the emperor penguins.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Go the Crusaders

Ok so it was the semi-finals of the Super 14 rugby competition this weekend. My team, the crusaders made it into the finals with seeming ease compared to the Hurricanes (the other NZ) team. I'm glad they did though. Its nice to have an all NZ final. It will make my life interesting next weekend when I stay with Rebecca (an avid Hurricanes fan). We're at a conference, although I have a feeling we might both start to feel unwell at about 7:25 and need to leave for the night! I love watching rugby, I even attempted to play it for the last couple of years. The first year our team won the competition so we got Medals, at which point I thought I should retire on a winning note, but decided to give it another season, in which we lost the final by 1 point. I learnt a lot from my couple of years playing. It's one thing to stand on the sideline and yell advice, its a whole nother thing to be trying to play your game when some girl from the other side decides to smack you in the nose, or its so wet and muddy that catching that ball and holding onto through the tackles becomes a mission in itself. I also learnt that you have to be prepared to get hurt, to get tackled and to get your face planted in the mud from time to time. If you aren't able to reconcile that then rugby really isnt the sport for you. Its an odd sport in that the most important thing is the ball, and your body is used to protect that ball at all costs. Unlike other sports where you try and avoid contact between your body, the ball and the opposition.
As I reflect on my short career as a rugby player I am challenged by the similiarities with my walk with Jesus. That too is a contact 'sport'. I have to be prepared to get hurt, get tackled and yes even end up with my face in the mud. Getting dirty is a part of both. I never felt like I'd had a good game unless I came home with mud on me. Am I prepared to put my body on the line for Jesus? Am i prepared to put in the hours of preparation needed for a 'game'. Do I ready my mind, and spirit through reading the word and prayer? Or do I just want to skip the season and get to the medal ceremony at the end......

got to go get ready for kidzone, I've leave with one final thought.


PS. picture of Hurricanes playing the Crusaders - wicked sky aye!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I seem to be having some trouble with getting a photo into my profile...oh well, for now this will have to do.

Jo & Ross's wedding

I had the pleasure of performing the wedding of my dear friend Jo and her handsome man Ross. It was on the 1st April which might seem out of date now, but since it was 2005 since i last posted a real blog I feel ok about sharing the news now. It was a fantastic day, full of really mixed emotions. Jo and I had been the terrible twosome for so long. We are both officers (ministers) in The Salvation Army and shared the journey as two single officers. We'd spent many a night talking about the possibility of marriage, or for that matter, singleness forever!!! Ross and Jo coming together was so a God thing. I am reminded again that he is the eternal matchmaker! If I had married who I thought would be good for me I would have married my standard 2 teacher! (Ok I was only 8yrs old when I thought he was dreamy). The wedding was so much fun and I felt so priviledged to be a part of the day. She looked absolutley beautiful and it was so awesome to see that God had blessed them both with a partner who would bring out the best in the other. One of the things that impresses me about Ross, despite his misguided loyality when it comes to rugby, is that he loves to see Jo blossom and lets her be who she is, without trying to change her, or quieten her down!
I remember Jo telling me about how she had said to God "Im prepared to be single forever, if that will help me fulfill your call on my life better." Seeing Ross and Jo together, I know that God has definately brought them together for a purpose. So while she is no longer my single friend, she will always be the other half of the terrible twosome that we are!

Flip, I forgot I had a blog!

Well as you can see by the slight delay since my last blog, that I am not so good at remembering to visit. I was looking at a friends blog today, thinking how great it would be to be able share my thoughts in a little corner of the world, and I suddenly thought, I think I've been here before. A quick search with my email address brought me back home here. It's good to be home. I've dusted the cobwebs from the keyboard, polished the screen and made sweeping promises never to leave for so long again. So I hope to be here regularly, talking, reflecting, listening and most of all growing.