Tena koe. I haere au ki te whare wananga o Otago ki te ako i te reo Maori, a, ka haere au ki toku kainga inaianei. Ka tino pai te noho, kai atu, tangata atu, ako atu. Ka korero au i te reo maori, engari, kaore oku 'flatmates' e mohio toku korero!
I made it through the language weekend. It was so good, the food, the people, the learning. I had a really good time. There were some bits that were really hard for me, but I was able to cope with it, even if I didnt always understand what was going on.
It was funny though, as I lay in bed last night trying to sleep, there were thoughts running around and around in my head...and they were all in Maori! How cool is that. Just goes to show that what we immerse ourselves in gets inside us aye. Food for thought for me in terms of my hikoi (walk) with Jesus. How much do I immerse myself in him? Is he running through my head at night time or is it the latest episode of Prison Break? Am I immersing myself in scripture and does it flow out of me. Am I fluent in scripture or do I struggle to understand?
Some say practice makes perfect, but a wise man told me the truth...practice makes permanent...so I want to make sure I'm practising the right things, so they get cemented in my life. I want the things of Christ to run around in my head and in my heart and that they would be what people hear and see when they meet me.
A final greeting from Ephesians 1:2
"Kia tau ki a koutou te aroha noa me te rangimarie, he mea na te Atua, na to tatou Matua, na te Ariki hoki, na Ihu Karaiti."
I’ll fight.
5 years ago
You're braver than I've managed to be yet! Beyond a few choice 'time to wrap up' phrases for my classroom, I kept chickening out of the immersion weekends. Well done you!
And the rest is both timely and challenging - who is first and last on my mind? How well do I know Him - His ways and His Word? Hmmm... that'll simmer for a while.
This is a challenging blog entry Cuz, how much do I immerse myself into Jesus? Probably not enough to tell ya da truth! But... it's getting there Ow?
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