Friday, June 27, 2008


Wow have we had some crazy weather this week. In the early hours of yesterday morning, my friend Rebecca and I found ourselves texting each other to see if the other was awake. You see there was thunder and lightening having a party in the sky and it was pretty loud and slightly scary. Its kind of nice to know that someone else is awake somewhere close by too....slightly comforting somehow.

I learnt as a kid to see the lightening and then count until you hear the thunder and that gives you an idea of how far away the lightening really is. This 'scientific' method only gives me comfort in part. Sometimes there doesnt seem to be any thunder in between the flashes of lightening....but most often the lightening seems way closer than the thunder, or the thunder is really loud even though according to my count it should be very any weather enthusaists out there, please forgive my ignorance about these matters.

It has got me thinking though, about the storms that I face in life. Sometimes I can blow them right out of proportion. Things can seem so much worse than they are. My little bit of knowledge can actually be harmful to me if I dont take the time to explore the issue wider, or allow God to speak into the situation. Sometimes I'm convinced that this particular storm is signaling my soon demise - that I will be struck down by the lightening so to speak. Sometimes in the midst of the storm I think I am all alone and that no one else experiences what I go through and so I tend to isolate myself from the hope and help that I need to persevere.

I certainly dont aspire to be a storm chaser by any means, but I do wish to be a stormtrooper....someone who carries on through the other side of a storm, and is all the better for it.

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