So I had an interesting start to the day. While putting things into the boot of my car, the boot came down and the lock hit my head. As usual when I hit my head I gave it a good rub to ease the pain, but unfortnately today when I pulled my hand away, it was covered in blood! Then blood proceeded to drip everywhere. After phoning a couple of people I found someone to take me to the emergency clinic. I was slightly concerned as this friend hates the sight of blood. She had great foresight and had put a towel in her car, so that became my friend as we headed off.
I was so intrigued by this visit. I havent had to visit the A&E for years and was surprised that after waiting in the queue for a while and finally arriving at the counter the first thing I had to do was fill out paperwork. There was no question of "are you ok?" "are you in any pain?" or "do you feel faint at all?" It was simply..... you need to fill this form in and that will be $39 thank you.
The medical staff were fantastic....all asking me the same questions again and again (but I suspect they were testing me...they were worried I had concussion).
After poking, prodding and washing - they decided that it could be glued instead of stitching it up. Which they did. Unfortunately, the doctors glove somehow got glued to my head. It turned out I was going to get a haircut afterall. So they cut out the doctors glove....and the excess glue that had dribbled and then rearranged my hair so it wasnt so obvious. Now normally this would have concerned me, having my hair cut but after the headshave at make change it seems I'm much more relaxed about these things.
I am grateful for the glue, rather than stitches but I think that Gaffa tape (or duct tape, or cloth tape as some call it) would have been just as effective. It really is the tape for every occasion.
So now I am at home, resting, keeping myself alert for signs of concussion and feeling very grateful for friends who care.
I’ll fight.
5 years ago
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