Saturday, May 03, 2008

learning the hard way

So last night I learned a lesson the hard way.... all my thinking and engaging with the idea of sowing and reaping was beautifully illustrated....the hard way. Without going into detail I now have a situation that has arisen that I need to address. I didn't even bother to ask "why me, why has this happened to me?" I immediately thought back on what I've been sowing in this particular area of my life and knew that this situation is the most likely fruit from what I'd been sowing. It didnt happen overnight....but it did happen. Many little decisions made- each a seed sown and now I get to reap the results of that - no pity party, no poor me...just a clearer understanding of the life lesson I've been working on lately.

So now I need to work my way through opportunity for growth (and I'm gonna keep telling myself that until I'm through it)

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