Sunday, May 04, 2008

the greatest miracle

I know I've blogged already today but when you've got good news you want to shout it from the rooftops!!

Today at church I preached about the vision that God gave me for the corps (church). I've preached about it before but felt it was time to recast the vision - as Bill Hybels says "vision leaks". It was a great time with a few visitors in attendance. During the response time many people responded to the invitation to commit themselves to the seeking first the kingdom of God, the mission of the salvation army and the vision of the corps.

But the greatest thing happened straight after church. My administrator came up to me and said that she had just led (INSERT NAME) to the Lord. It was SO exciting. It is the greatest miracle ever when someone who was navigating life solo commits themselves to follow Jesus. We as a church now have both the privilege and responsibility to help them to grow their faith, to develop a Christ centred life and to run the race. It is not enough to see someone come into the kingdom, but we need to help them live as citizens of the kingdom, to understand their rightful position as sons and daughters of the king and to understand their inheritance.

All Glory goes to Father God.

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