Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I always find it harder to write that first blog after a few days, weeks or months absence. I think its because there is so much that has taken place & its hard to decide what to say.

There have been some great moments, some challenging days and some events that have pressed against my faith and have stretched me.

So here's where I'm at right now on Tuesday afternoon 28th October 2008- I'm still believing and praying that my cousin will be found - I'm still believing for healing for friends who are dealing with diagnosis of cancer - I am grateful for the good friends I have who continue to encourage me and support me - I'm stoked for my friends who are having babies - I am finally able to say "I made a raised garden....at long last" - I am incredibly grateful for God's faithfulness and his care of me - I think the Canterbury rugby team rock after their win - My hair is still growing and can finally put it in 2 tiny ponytails - I miss my friends and family - I love my church - I know I have so much more growing to do - I have really bad bed hair in the mornings and end up looking like something from a DR Seuss book - I am continuing to pursue the Kingdom of God and heaven invading earth and will give my all for that.

whew! I think the backlog is cleared and will attempt to blog again tomorrow so it doesnt build up again :)

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