Last night I had to attend a finance roadshow that was happening for work. I must confess I was not too excited by the thought...I mean I could be watching Home & Away or working on the garden, or washing my hair. I could come up with dozens of things I would rather be doing. However I went and I can't believe I'm going to say this but "I'm so glad I did".
I learnt heaps from the presentation. I was able to ask lots of questions (which I did). I actually got a little self conscious at one point because I was asking so many questions and no one else seemed to have any. But then I decided that perhaps some were too shy to ask the questions and maybe my questions were the same as theirs. I also figured now is the time to ask them since they said they were there to help.
I came away from the night feeling empowered. I finally had knowledge about things that previously I felt a little in the dark about. I now have the understanding to be able to manage the financial side of things better and more effectively.
Someone once said "knowledge is power". After the finance roadshow I would say "yep". When people are kept in the dark about something, or made to be reliant on someone else for something that they should and could be doing for themselves there can be a real sense of demoralising or invalidation that takes place. But once people have the knowledge to be able to do things for themselves, what freedom and sense of ownership is theirs!
Some other dude once said "give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."
I think this whole idea is something that we always have to keep in mind when in ministry. I think sometimes the easier option or the quicker option is to simply "do things for others" rather than take the time to teach them how to do it for themselves.
If we really want to go after people experiencing freedom, then we must be willing to let go of some of the "control" or "power" and empower others to be able to "fish for themselves".
Just a thought.
I’ll fight.
5 years ago