Thursday, July 10, 2008

Prince Caspian

I went to see Prince Caspian last night...I missed the start because I was waiting for people who were coming too. They ended up at the wrong theatre and decided to see it there instead...which left me with 4 extra tickets :(

Anyway rather than stew on the face that I was $45 out of pocket I asked God to speak to me during the movie....its something I do with every movie I watch. God and I have this thing you see where I watch the movie and he uses it to encourage or challenge me about stuff. Its amazing what one can learn through the movies. So there were a number of things that spoke to me through the movie but I just want to talk about one today.

Near the start of the movie (well the start that I saw) Lucy is convinced she saw Aslan.None of the others saw him and so they doubt that it was really him. A moment comes where they are trying to decide how to deal with the enemy. Peter has one idea, Prince Caspian another. Lucy pipes up and says that there doesn't just have to be two options...she's referring to Aslan. Once again her small voice is ignored and they attempt one of the two other options, with disastrous consequences. Many Nanianas die.

Finally Lucy is given her chance to go and find Aslan in the middle of the Forrest. She goes and eventually finds him. He asks her why she didn't come sooner? She replies that she was afraid to come on her own. She then asks him if she had come earlier would it have meant that the lives of all those who had died would have been spared? Aslan replies, we will never know what could have been.

As I lay awake last night I kept thinking about that conversation between Lucy and Aslan. It really challenged me about the fears and insecurities that I allow to hold me back from pursuing God.......and how many people are missing out on things because I am not ready or able to be used by God to bring change to their lives right now. I have two choices in that moment....I can either get crippled with the feeling of regret over missed opportunities or I can be like Lucy and actively partner with God from that moment on..... Lucy pushed through despite her fears and was the catalyst for salvation to come to the Nanians via the presence of Aslan. I need to push through my fears and be the catalyst for salvation to come to others via the presence of Jesus in their lives and circumstances.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

an email about Todd Bently by Bill Johnson

There is so much controversy about Todd Bentley at the moment. I heard an amazing response by Bill Johnson to an email he received recently. Even if you've never heard of Todd, it will challenge you when you are tempted to criticise others, or if others criticise those you love....

It's a big challenge to us all not to be so quick to sit in judgement of others....

"How in God's name can you endorse Todd Bentley?" (email sent to Bill Johnson)

"Have you spent time with Todd?
Do you know him?
Have you watched him with his wife?
Have you seen how he treats his kids?
Have you spent any time with his staff?
Have you been to his ministry?
Has he been to yours?
Have you laid hands on him and prayed?
Has he laid hands on you and prayed?
Have you grieved over tragedy together?
Have you celebrated victory together?
Has he sought your counsel and has he travelled great distance just to meet with you privately for advice?
Have you ever recieved his counsel?
Have you ever been in the room when God shows up on him, used him in stunning miracles?
Have you seen him operate in word of knowledge and the prophetic?
Have you met with his council of elders?
Have you personally benefited from his gift?
Has he benefited from your gift and ministry?
Has he ever honoured you for who you are in God?
Has he partnered with you as a friend?
Have you sacrificed for his welfare, for that of his family?
Have you sought God with him?
Have you ever worshipped the Lord with him?
I didn't think so.....

I have, and I will continue to support those I have walked with in life and ministry
He is my friend
More importantly God calls him friend
and if you and I were ever friends at that level and people hated you, turned against you, started web pages to tear down your ministry, criticised you to your friends,
wrote against you in christian magazines, criticised you on the radio, wrote emails to other conference speakers and authors...

I'd still be your friend

By the way, criticism in the form of a question, is not a question.
But to respond to your statement "how in God's name can you endorse Todd Bently?"
Its easy, I do it in God's name."

Food for thought

To listen to the whole podcast its Bethel Church and the podcast is called the Loyalty of Bethel