Ok, so I know this movie has been around for ages, but I finally went and saw it at the theatre before it disappeared and I had to wait for the dvd (which by the way, they have no idea when it will be released in NZ).
What an absolutely beautiful movie. I was kinda glad I went on my own as I was able to fold up the arm rests, stretch myself out across a few seats and enjoy the movie on my very own 'couch'. I must confess I shed a few tears throughout the movie, but I'm ok with that.
There are so many beautiful moments in the movie that speak volumes about life, community, love, family, reality and perseverence. Like most movies any illustrations we might attach to real life are limited. While it speaks of love and the creating of life, the female penguins who dont manage to catch themselves a fella, head straight back to the ocean, they are excluded from the rest of the process. Likewise, those penguins whose eggs die, simply part company and return to the water. I wouldnt suggest this is a good model for the building of community.
There is a scene in the movie when the males are looking after the eggs (balancing them on their feet I might add) and the storms come. They all huddle together, 100's of penguins and form one big mass. The combined mass helps them to keep warm, and they take turns being in the middle of the mass, and being on the edge....a beautiful scene.
Anyway I could rabbit on but can I instead simply say...watch it and see for yourself the incredible story of the emperor penguins.